This class is only available intermittently and upon request. Date to be determined jointly after purchase. The price of the class is set - however feel free to bring up to 2 more people (3 in total) to learn together :)
Duration 3 hours
Venue Argo on the Parade
In this class participants will be taught the fundamentals of the skills professional coffee roasters employ day-to-day. They will be introduced to the physical and chemical changes that occur during the roasting of coffee, including the basics of how to read and analyse a roast profile (or 'curve') and what effects on flavour energy input variations allow (and don't allow). We will 'cup' (professionally taste) different roasts in the exact manner roasters, growers and traders do each day all over the world and discuss how coffee roasters decide on which coffees to purchase and what impact those decisions have on players both further back and further down the supply chain (growers and consumers respectively).
The class will be taught by our Head Roaster Adam Marley and conducted on an IKAWA Pro sample roaster. Participants will all be given a chance to control the roaster themselves and take home the coffee they roast for further assessment (and enjoyment)!
If you have any questions regarding the course or are interested in one-on-one tuition or coaching for competition please email Adam at adam@monasterycoffee.com.au :)
Happy learning!