Passionfruit, bergamot and peaches.
Producer: Inmaculada Coffee Farms
Region : Pichindé, Cali
Country: Colombia
Processing: Natural
Elevation: 1,700 - 2,000m
Varieties: Geisha
Sourced Through: Langdon Coffee Merchants
About the Geisha Variety
Geisha, sometimes referred to as Geisha, is a variety of coffee. It is considered to produce a very aromatic and floral cup of coffee and the demand for it has grown in recent years. To explain why people like geisha first there is a need to explain how the coffee industry looks at quality. As an industry the coffee world has informally agreed and generally calibrated that certain flavors and sensations are better than others. This concept of better is built on the idea that if a flavor or sensation is rarer or more clearly perceived it is superior. The flavors though must be driven by either fruit, tea, and or florality.
This variety will feel the most familiar in the set. Originally from Ethiopia, Geisha gained notoriety in Costa Rica and Panama in the early years of specialty coffee. This variety is globally recognized (and celebrated) for its distant floral fragrance and aroma, tea-like characteristics, and delicate fruit flavors. Geisha has dominated the competition scene over the past few years, skyrocketing its popularity and availability across the globe.
This variety is known to be the most exclusive coffee till this day at international levels, thanks to a coffee producer which was able to distinguish this variety from the others. He noticed that it was special, it smells and tastes like nothing before; mandarin, ginger, mango, cinnamon and lots of flower aromas like jasmine. So far, only at the highest point of Chiriqui Panama, is where the geisha was able to release its full potential, it could be caused by the weather, volcanic soil, height and local agricultural techniques and traditions. Many producers have tried to replicate this variety in different parts of the world, due to its really high price, but none have been as successful as the ones grown in Chiriqui Panama. It is known to produce a high quality bean at high altitudes, over 1500 MASL. This variety is considered to be a low productive plant. It is resistant to the roya and as well to a fungus called “Ojo de Gallo”.
Geisha in the cup is complex, floral, expressive, clear, vibrant, and delicious. It is a unique coffee that has attracted prices because of this uniqueness. A lot of what is delicious about geisha can be traced back to its origin, Ethiopia. Geisha coffee is expressed as "The miraculous and the best coffee in the world", "The most expensive one", or "Coffee with refined fruity flavor and sweet taste". It has a refined sweet taste like a full ripened tangerine and a flavor like a flower of Jasmine. With a refreshing flavor the profile of Geisha makes it a champion among coffee varieties.
About Inmaculada Coffee Farms
In 2010 the Holguin family, after long years of experience in the agriculture field, have decided to embark in a coffee journey. For more than 80 years they have been involved in sugar cane in the region of Valle del Cauca and Palm oil trees in the region of Nariño for around 30 years.
Only 20 minutes away from Cali, in a small town called Pichindé located in the Andes mountains, they have decided to make use of an untouched forest they always had in their family farm. The location was perfect to grow coffee; weather, altitude, rainfall etc. They started with 5.12 hectares and today, 9 years later, they have around 50 hectares of which 30 are planted and the rest is kept as natural forest.
These 50 hectares are divided into four different farms located in the same region but in different areas thus having different climate conditions (Altitude, humidity, rainfall etc.) Those farms are El Jardin, Las Nubes, Monserrat and Inmaculada Concepcion. In those farms are planted some of the rarest and most special coffees like Rume Sudan, Eugenoides, Laurina, Gesha, Maragesha and so on.
In 2013, Intelligentsia saw so much potential that they decided to launch a special event in Chicago. An event was held in one of their coffee shops in February of 2014 for anyone who wanted to attend that included a presentation with open questions and tasting of three varities: Laurina, Marageisha and Sudan Rume. After that day we were able to open up to other countries like UK, Australia, Japan, Korea and much more.
Today, after 9 years of hard work, they are expanding our production line and experimenting in new areas of specialty coffees to bring to all the coffee lovers around the world (including Colombia off course) something that will make them fall in love.